понедельник, 20 октября 2008 г.

city kansas mo station tv

A few days i realized I�am not completily in love with the person I am living with. The person I moved away with. The person I was sure i was so in love with I could spend the rest of my life with. And why do I feel this way?? Becuase Im not balanced with the rest of my life? Becuase the excitment is gone? How do you grow apart from someone you are completily surrounded by everyday. And how do you loose yourself when you hae nothing but yoursef� day in and day out. I�am constantily in my own head hearing my voice criticize myself and those around me, and yearn for more. And yet I�have no motivation to do anything... I feel completily lost in a bubble, watching time and life pass me by. And im sick of it. What do I do? I�need to figure things out.
city kansas mo station tv, city kansas mo station union.

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